Sealink Network combine public and private blockchain technologies to create unparalleled gaming experiences based on virtual reality.




Not Just a Virtual Private Network

The Future Virtual Private Network for Blockchain

Sealink is a blockchain platform , aiming to be the global standard for blockchain virtual private network and provide real value to everyone.

Layer-1 Blockchain

Hybrid Useful Proof of Work (UPoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism

Network Free

Staking a few SLK to use virtual private network for free , you can unlock at any time

Secure Network

Sealink Network secured and maintained built-in smartnode technology.


Create Your Remote Data Access

Accessing NAS from a different location and building a private cloud drive.

Port Mapping


Building a website, developing and debugging, and mapping scenarios , Creating a pure development simulation environment .

Internal network access

Enterprise Services

Access internal enterprise systems, ERP, OA, CRM .
Remote files, data sharing, internal network penetration, improving production efficiency.

Internal network access

Enterprise Services

Access internal enterprise systems, ERP, OA, CRM .
Remote files, data sharing, internal network penetration, improving production efficiency.


Healthy Economic Mode

In the future, a virtual private network built by 500+ SmartNodes will provide free services to 100,000+ users, it's amazing! SmartNode need staked SLK to reward coins, while user need lock the coins to use the virtual private nework for free. When smartnode and user grow smooth,reward will be to balance,the network will be healthy and the coins will be useful!